William Corotan

Web developer, Music Lover, TFT Enjoyer

About Me

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.”

-William Arthur Ward

Hi there! Im William Anthony Corotan, an aspiring web developer that loves to explore new technologies. Passionate about UX/UI Designing and client-side app development. Love to build about building REST API and server-side app.

I love building client-side applications with modern features like SPA and maintain semantic coding style. I use and learn modern technologies like ReactJS, Astro, Vite, TailwindCSS. I also enjoy building scalable and maintainable server applications using modern technology stacks such as NodeJS, Express, MySQL and MongoDB

I love to engage in forums discussions and live streams of tech streamers like Theo of Ping.gg and ThePrimeagen.

Tech I Use

These are the Tech Stack I know and what I'm Currently Learning.

My Projects

Showcase of the projects I made

html html
html html
html html
html html html
html html html
Inventory System

Fun side projects

Pig Game
html html html
Guess My Number
html html html